Global Risk Mitigation and Investigations
A Clear Perspective
Corporate & Insurance Investigations
Director Level - We Don't Pass On
At AIMSIU every project we take on is both strategically planned and then delivered on the ground by one of our highly experienced directors. We don't pass work down the line to people without the experience needed to get great results, and thats why we consistently deliver better results faster than our competitors.
Global Reach - Local Knowledge
Understanding the culture of the people we need to gain intelligence from has proven to influence results more than any other factor. Our Directors have lived and worked across the globe, with local knowledge and strong international networks, we know what methods will work best even before we take on your project.
Agility - Continuous Reporting
At AIMSIU we pride ourselves on passing everything back to you as we move forward. Even a small piece of intelligence passed on quickly can begin to change a situation fast. Our dedication to on the ground client reporting has been a huge factor in making us one of the most agile and responsive firms in the world.